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Showing posts from February, 2018

Day fourteen: finding yourself

Can I ask you a question?  Have you found yourself? Are you intentionally seeking to know your heart? Are you intentionally seeking to know who you really are? I am asking because  I fear that there is a problem growing in the Body of Christ where many many people are using the "New identity in Christ" theme to cover up who they really are.  Don't get me wrong but I believe that what we don't know is that Jesus didn't come that we may hide our true selves from Him but rather, that we may find out who we really are and bring it before His altar. Regardless of what we might say, we must come to terms with the truth that to some extent, our past lives have played a role in shaping out who we have currently become. A lot of people are wearing the garment of Christianity and their souls are buried in the dirt somewhere, locked in the chests of their past. My fear of rejection, as a result of my past experiences had placed me in a position where sometimes...

Day thirteen: Random thoughts

A lot of things have been racing through my mind lately. I downloaded a number of songs online today. Some of these songs are very old and remind me of certain key episodes of my life's journey. I downloaded this song titled, "YES" by Shekinah Glory ministry and my mind was drawn to my second year in KNUST. In my second year, there was a young man I really admired. I really really liked him and the prospects of we becoming an item was exciting. I could tell that he liked me too. But, there was one thing: as mature and level-headed as he was, he had the tendencies of being vituperative at any given moment. Also, I realised that he was one person who changed his principles depending on who he was engaging with. This was of concern to me but, I really really liked him. Deep down in my heart, I knew he wasn't right for me. But, my likeness for him was clouding my judgement. One night, I was in Lovetta's (she is my soul sister) room when YES began to play on my p...

Day twelve: promptings

Yesterday, I was listening to a CEO of a branding company in Ghana talk about how Jesus spoke to her concerning a matter and how she followed the nudgings of her spirit to pursue purpose. My attention was drawn to my life and how by God's Grace, through His Holy Spirit, I have been blessed with obedience to follow the promptings of Holy Spirit. Sometimes, He will prompt you to make a call, to send a message, say hello to someone or even start a conversation with an Uber driver: just do it. We are rationale beings and some times, when Holy Spirit prompts us, they don't make perfect sense in that moment. But, we see, on the other side of obedience that it was so so worth the obedience. I pray for us today, that in the seemingly 'unimportant' nudgings of Holy Spirit to us, we would receive through Jesus, the needed obedience to carry them through. In His name we pray, amen. Love, Sharing Life.

Day eleven: 1 Corinthians 12

I was listening to 1Corinthians 12 this morning on my audio Bible app when I heard, " Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:  And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.  For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:  That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another ." I was blessed by this post as I came across the above verses because Holy Spirit ministered to me profoundly by them. Permit me to share what I wrote in my journal concerning these: < Talking about spiritual gifts and how greater honour must be given to the 'less honourable' parts of Jesus' Body, I was blessed by this because Holy Spirit opened the eyes of my heart to understan...

Day ten: Jesus Christ

Which message on this Earth far surpasses the message of Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross of Calvary for humanity? Which sermon on this Earth can counter the message of Jesus Christ and His redemption of mankind? What can I say, other than this single truth.  Jesus died not for the fun of it, but for His love for you. He died to offer the Blood that was the price for your soul and for mine. Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you. He wants your heart. He wants to save you and He knows awfully well that the only way you can be saved is when you give Him the chance to dwell in your heart.  I cannot say more. But, know this, Jesus Christ loves you...and He wants to be your Lord and He wants to be your friend too. We all fall short sometimes and always. But Jesus, He makes all things possible. We all feel unworthy sometimes. But Jesus, He shows us that we are worthy and that we deserve His attention. Search through the Bible and you will see that He came s...

Day nine: we speak life!

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew that humanly speaking, it was impossible to have a positive outcome arising from it? And when you found or find yourself in such situations what did you say or what do you say concerning the matter? For me, I say, "It is well". I say it is well a lot of times because I believe in the power of those words and their ability to cause dumbfounding turnarounds on life's issues.  My faith in those words were birthed when I came across the Book of 2Kings 4: 8-37. I was ah-mazed when in that Scripture text, the Shunamite woman whose son had died kept her confession unabated by using the expression, "All is well." I mean, your son is dead and the normal posture one would have in such a situation would be to have fits of sobbing but rather, you are all calm and saying, "All is well"??? I mean, really? My faith was stirred up by that Scriptural text and since then, my confession, by the Grace o...

Day eight: two lessons in one.

Hello there, Today, I will be sharing on two different lessons which I have received today. I pray these bless you as they have done me. The first lesson is this: you get life by pouring out life . It is no surprise to me that Jesus assures His followers that whoever loses his life for His sake will gain it back. Bishop Jakes made a statement in his book, "the Lady, her Lover, her Lord"(wow, I just received insight on this title this very moment! I will write about this shortly). In his book, Bishop Jakes basically explains that the healing of our pain is in telling others about it in a bid to help heal theirs.  This is a spiritual mystery I have been Graced to believe: the more I clean the wounds of my neighbour, the more my wounds heal . I believe Jesus Christ will increase my understanding on this truth.  I came to work this morning and I wasn't as energetic as I was yesterday. Whiles performing my tasks, I decided to reach out to a few people I know ( nothi...

Day seven: the fear of making mistakes

Have you realised that the more you fear making mistakes, the more you actually do? I was so scared of making mistakes in life: in my relationship, in my work, in my assignments and even in my walk with Jesus. I never wanted to be vulnerable or have someone tell me, 'Hey, you made a mistake'.  The Word of God tells me that God's strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). That means that it is in those moments when I can't do certain things or when I fear being vulnerable because I don't want to be rejected and be unable to handle it that Jesus' strength covers me and shows me that I can handle it. I ask myself, "How will I see Daddy's hand at work in my life if I keep trying to be perfect always; If I am beating myself up and pushing myself all in a bid to be perfect and to have it all together?"  Amidst all these, I was scared of missing out on Daddy's plans for my life so much so that I feared mistakes. The more ...

Day six: My quest for growth

I had a friend who would always point out to me that I wasn't growing spiritually. At every opportunity he got, he would state that I needed to grow. This made me sad and I kept asking what It meant to be growing spiritually. He asserted that the sign of my growth was when I was walking in boldness and embarking on the work of the ministry. Whenever he made such utterances, I would look inward. I knew Holy Spirit was working in me. I knew my heart was changing and because of this, I kept getting confused. Why doesn't he see that I'm growing? I have Apostle Selman's teachings on my phone. One is titled "Be like Him". I heard Apostle Selman talk about the focus of our growth being Jesus Christ. Which is to say that Jesus Christ is the Standard of our growth. He based this teaching on the Book of Colossians. I learnt from the audio that my growth is measured by my conformity with the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the centre of my growth.  I was read...

Day five: where have you been planted?

Growing up, I sometimes would wonder why Daddy would place me in the earthly family I find myself in. In my spiritual growth also, I have found myself asking the same question: why did You place me in the church I find myself in? I have experienced other church atmospheres aside my home church and the truth is, sometimes I entertain the thought of pitching my tent in those places. I attended a friend's church once and in my mind, I had wanted to pay my tithe in that church. Upon thinking about it, I could tell that Holy Spirit was strongly prompting me against it. I wondered why that was so. By God's Grace, I didn't pay my tithe there. I am so glad I obeyed. On Friday, I was listening to a teaching by Pastor Michael Todd when he made mention of the "Place" wherein Daddy has placed His children. He made mention of family and church and all the other settings in which we find ourselves. Honestly, that teaching was a much needed one as it resonated with my spir...

Day four: the gift of friendship

I was listening to the Book of Job on my audio Bible this morning. In the second chapter, I heard of Job's friends and how they put on ashes and ripped their robes apart to mourn with their friend, Job. I was particularly impressed when in the 13th verse, I heard what his friends did for seven days and seven nights... they sat there with their friend and no one said a word. Wow... I learnt this morning that sometimes, being a friend means knowing when to keep quiet and just allow your presence to do all the talking Being a friend means knowing when a word is needed and when silence is all that is needed. I am looking at my life and I cannot help but be grateful for the many people I have come across: the acquaintances who became friends and the friends who have become family. Today, I write to say "Thank you" to all those who have passed through my life and for those who have pitched their tents in my life. Yes, there are those who are no more as close as they wer...

Day three: even when i don't see it.

The past few days have been say the least. Sometimes, all seems well but other times, it looks like my life keeps moving in circles.  In all these, my confession still remains, "It is well"  <some  day, I will explain the background to this confession>. I have been praying a particular prayer in these past days. I have had a particular cry on my heart for a while now. I hear people say that they prayed and then the answer came through this and through that etc. I was invited by my friend to a church programme on Tuesday. Honestly, I was on the verge of cancelling when I decided against it.  After the meeting, I requested for the teachings they watched. I honestly had no idea when i would have the opportunity to watch it considering how loaded my days have been in the past months. Yet, I went ahead and I took them. Today was my lowest. My soul was in a state of somewhat despair. I came home early and the first thing I sought to do was to watch...

Day two: why these insecurities?

I have learnt that in life. if you want to feel like an outsider, you will be one. Whatever goes on inside of us determines our worldview. It influences our interpretation of the things happening around us. It influences our interpretation of the motive of others' actions towards us. I am learning that I need to constantly be conscious of who I am and the power I a Child of God. I wield so much power. So much power to the extent that if I allow negativity to settle in my mind and in my heart and within me, I will kill myself before anyone can.  I went for a wedding last year and there, I felt so insecure and out-of-place.  I felt like I did not belong to that place. Ohhh I felt so terrible. At that time, when I questioned my own feelings and why I was feeling that way, I learnt through Holy Spirit's help that I felt that way because I had failed to focus on my worth in Christ Jesus . I failed to realise that I am the righteousness of ...

Vals day blues

Happy three-in-one day! Of course, and happy four-in-one for the football lovers? If I had anything to say on this day of vals and chocolate and ashes, what would it be? 1. Remember Who loves you to the core. The One Who created you loved you even before you were conceived. He carefully formed you...and made you unique.  If today, you doubt that, you should ask Him. He will tell you. Daddy will show you through His Word, the Bible of Who He Is, Who you are, and how much love He has for you. 2. Learn and grow to love yourself.  I, for one, did not love me when I was younger.  I hated myself and I didn't like the face I saw whenever I looked into the mirror.  I saw this ugly girl who was just not correct.  But through Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, I love myself. I talk to myself. I look into a mirror and I properly address myself. I laugh, I cry, I pat myself at the back and I give it to me whenever I am not doing the right ...

Day One: Daddy's secret place

For weeks now, prior to today, I have heard the same message from different preachers. Not to say that I deliberately went looking for them but these kept resounding in my ears and in my spirit. God Is Good. God Is Great...and He loves me. I believe that He wants to speak to me. He wants to share His heart with me. I need Him too. I need the fullness He brings. I want to find that secret place Psalm 91 talks about. I believe I will find Him. I believe that I will know Him. I believe I will never be satisfied and that I will need more and more of Him as I seek Him. I pray that you find Him and dwell in Him as you thirst for intimacy with Jesus also. I believe there is Grace available for this. May God grace you to seek Him. In Jesus'name, amen <Yesterday, I made two friends...Jennifer and her son, Enock. Kindly say a prayer for them led to by Holy Spirit>