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Vals day blues

Happy three-in-one day!
Of course, and happy four-in-one for the football lovers?

If I had anything to say on this day of vals and chocolate and ashes, what would it be?

1. Remember Who loves you to the core.

The One Who created you loved you even before you were conceived. He carefully formed you...and made you unique. 
If today, you doubt that, you should ask Him. He will tell you. Daddy will show you through His Word, the Bible of Who He Is, Who you are, and how much love He has for you.

2. Learn and grow to love yourself. 

I, for one, did not love me when I was younger. 
I hated myself and I didn't like the face I saw whenever I looked into the mirror. 
I saw this ugly girl who was just not correct. 

But through Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, I love myself. I talk to myself. I look into a mirror and I properly address myself. I laugh, I cry, I pat myself at the back and I give it to me whenever I am not doing the right thing. I ask myself questions: why am I doing what I am doing? I encourage myself. I hug myself. I am my friend. 

I couldn't have come to number 2 if number 1 wasn't in the picture.
You see, my friend, it is God Who gives us the ability to love ourselves. 

the devil deals in counterfeits and that is where people in the world, who claim to love themselves, touch themselves wrongly and masturbate and engage in all forms of sexual and disruptive acts. 

Jesus Christ helps us to appreciate ourselves enough to desire to make the right choices in life.
Because of the love He has bestowed upon me for me, I am able to stand up and not hurt myself or allow myself to be hurt. I am able, by is Grace, to stand up for myself against anyone who will try to harm soul, my body and my spirit. Jesus makes this possible. 

You would realise that whenever you are unable to love yourself properly, people who come into your life are at liberty to treat you in whichever manner they think you ought to be treated. Some people tend to treat us how we treat ourselves. Lisa Nichols often says, "You are the mirror of how you ought to be treated". It doesn't come easy, my friend, but Jesus Christ makes all thing possible. Hallelujah!

3. Learn how to love others.
You can only give to others what you have and when you are running out, make sure you go back to your Source in number 1, to be refilled. Holy Spirit fills us up with all the love we need, to love on people. It is possible if we ask Him. 
Do you believe? Jesus makes it possible.

My dear, these are three things I want to share with you today.

Please remember that by ourselves, we can do nothing. But with Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit, we can know Who our true Father Is, understand His love for us, be enlightened to love and appreciate ourselves, and be equipped to pour this love out on others. Be blessed be blessed be blessed. My heart is so full after typing this piece.

God bless you Sammy, for the push.

Sharing Life. 


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