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Day fourteen: finding yourself

Can I ask you a question? 

Have you found yourself?
Are you intentionally seeking to know your heart?
Are you intentionally seeking to know who you really are?

I am asking because I fear that there is a problem growing in the Body of Christ where many many people are using the "New identity in Christ" theme to cover up who they really are. 

Don't get me wrong but I believe that what we don't know is that Jesus didn't come that we may hide our true selves from Him but rather, that we may find out who we really are and bring it before His altar.

Regardless of what we might say, we must come to terms with the truth that to some extent, our past lives have played a role in shaping out who we have currently become.

A lot of people are wearing the garment of Christianity and their souls are buried in the dirt somewhere, locked in the chests of their past.

My fear of rejection, as a result of my past experiences had placed me in a position where sometimes, I feared that God would turn His back on me some day. The need to prove that I was worth fighting for placed me in a state where I thought I needed to work hard to receive validation from people. In my walk with Jesus, I still feared that I had to work hard to prove that Jesus Is my Lord and that Holy Spirit Is my Friend. All these attitudes towards my personal walk with Jesus was because of the things I had been through in my past which I had kept locked up somewhere until I was put in a condition where I had to dig and dig deeply into my heart and my past to bring them out.

See, we must be brave enough to allow Jesus to help us dig through our pasts and uncover the little soul that has been bruised and buried.

When I was little, I suffered verbal abuse from friends and close relatives. I know some of the utterances which were made were like those unguarded jokes or passing comments that people make without taking much thought into. Not to talk of the many other acts I did to myself in the name of childhood.

My childhood was taken away from me and I felt I had to toughen up, guard my heart and grow up! In the latter parts of my life, I suffered turbulent relationship issues and those left scars on my heart.

When Jesus came to me, I thought I had to forget about all of these issues and just shout in joy, "I am a new creation!!!"

But Jesus, He doesn't work that way.

He wants all of you...
See, He Is not just the Lord of your present and your future, He Is the Lord of your past.
If you would give Him a chance, He will wash the hidden slates of your heart clean with His blood and His love.

Listen, He Is not concerned about all the things you want to do for Him.
He IS concerned about you as a person and He desires that you will trust Him enough to reveal your vulnerability to Him.

Why are we struggling in this our walk with Jesus?
It is because we are trying to be supermen and women in His presence. 
How will you feel the love of God if you are not willing to show Him the scars of your past which you have been hiding?

Come as you are:

come with the rape that you never talked about
come with the sins of masturbation that you are scared to tell anyone
come with the issue of the uncle or friend who touched you in a bad way
come with the sex addiction you are trying so hard to stop
come with the physical abuse
come with the emotional abuse
come with the verbal abuse

come as you are.

You are a minister of the Gospel. You have been drafted into the Army of the Lord. For this reason, you feel that you have to keep fighting when you are deeply wounded. The Master Jesus Is the healer of wounds. Come as you are. Come to him and rip your heart bare before His altar. You have held on to this for far too long; it is time for you to be a child before Our Father again. 
He has drafted us into His army but we ought to realise that the soldiers of this army are children...His children. We in ourselves are not strong; but HE IS. 

We need to repent of this mindset that we need to have all things figured out; that we need to be strong and unmovable and not vulnerable. Whenever we do this, we stifle the children we are on the inside.

Dear Child of God, I know it is well.
I also do know that Daddy Is waiting for you to bring that past of yours before Him. I know you are ashamed when you look back on who you once were and the pains of your past. But, come to Jesus, He Alone can and will fix you.

You are His delight.


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