The past few days have been say the least.
Sometimes, all seems well but other times, it looks like my life keeps moving in circles.
In all these, my confession still remains, "It is well" <some day, I will explain the background to this confession>.
I have been praying a particular prayer in these past days. I have had a particular cry on my heart for a while now.
I hear people say that they prayed and then the answer came through this and through that etc.
I was invited by my friend to a church programme on Tuesday. Honestly, I was on the verge of cancelling when I decided against it.
After the meeting, I requested for the teachings they watched. I honestly had no idea when i would have the opportunity to watch it considering how loaded my days have been in the past months. Yet, I went ahead and I took them.
Today was my lowest. My soul was in a state of somewhat despair. I came home early and the first thing I sought to do was to watch those sermons.
The first one I watched was a complete answer to all my questions and the deepest longings of my heart. Now, I will pursue these sound truths presented in the Word of God and delivered by this preacher with the assurance that things will come into full circle.
What happened today strengthened my belief that even when it seems like things are getting out of control and I don't have the clarity that I need, God Is still in control.
This testimony is to encourage you today:
Hold on to Jesus Christ and keep your confession that regardless of whatever might be happening externally and even on the inside of your heart and mind, Jesus Christ still remains Lord and He Is in control.
Surrender all your struggles and issues to Him and don't run away from Him when things get jiggy in life. Rather, allow your heart to be vulnerable and cry out to Him.
Seek His will for your life and never stop asking for His will to be done in your life.
He loves you too much to allow any other will to manifest in your life.
God bless you.
With lots of love,
Sharing Life.
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