Have you realised that the more you fear making mistakes, the more you actually do?
I was so scared of making mistakes in life: in my relationship, in my work, in my assignments and even in my walk with Jesus. I never wanted to be vulnerable or have someone tell me, 'Hey, you made a mistake'.
The Word of God tells me that God's strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). That means that it is in those moments when I can't do certain things or when I fear being vulnerable because I don't want to be rejected and be unable to handle it that Jesus' strength covers me and shows me that I can handle it.
I ask myself, "How will I see Daddy's hand at work in my life if I keep trying to be perfect always; If I am beating myself up and pushing myself all in a bid to be perfect and to have it all together?"
Amidst all these, I was scared of missing out on Daddy's plans for my life so much so that I feared mistakes. The more I feared making mistakes, the greater the life I sucked out of me.
In this new chapter of my life, I am learning to let go of the reins and to allow Jesus to hold them.
I am ready to embrace the uncomfortable and to laugh at myself when I fall.
I am learning to accept change...especially those that I never saw coming.
I am learning to just relax for a change.
If you are one of those readers who have been following these posts for a while, you would realise that I can be hard on myself sometimes.
I have realised that when Jesus blessed me with this heart of mine, the first thing I did was to build up strong and very thick walls to save my heart from being attacked, hurt or broken...and that is what I have done over these years.
See, the more you fear making mistakes, the more you close your sphere of influence.
What do I mean by this?
We do not live life intentionally seeking to make mistakes but they do happen.
True liberation of mind also comes when we embrace the possibilities of making mistakes.
But there is a mindset we ought to possess to maintain such a stance: the understanding that if i live, I do not live for me only but for Christ and that living for Christ means living for his Body as well.
There is a richness and Wisdom we gain when we embrace the mistakes that we make and this help us in serving the brethren. Imagine how small your sphere of influence would be if you are trying so hard to be perfect. Who would better appreciate your message? Who would be convinced that you have an understanding of their predicament if you never fell or never made a mistake?
The situations we face in life are a trust. It is a trust because Daddy desires that we use those lessons in helping others and preventing them from facing a more dire consequence. We do not stay in our mistakes. We acknowledge our faults, rise up above them and then gain wisdom for the next season.
Are you struggling with the fear of making mistakes?
Calm down. Just breathe swdy.
Allow Jesus to take the reins of your life and rest in the knowing that you have the ability to overcome every setback. You have the ability to rise up when you fall. Why? Because you have Jesus.
Shall we pray;
Father, may Your light shine on every mistake we make.
May we gain Your perspective in all of life's issues.
May we trust Your leadership over our lives.
May we trust that You care and You will not allow us to go through anything which You have not equipped us to overcome.
May we love You more each day.
May we depend You more each day.
May we appreciate our flaws and may we embrace our weaknesses.
May we rely on and cling to Your Word which assures us that You Are ever close to the weak.
May the testimonies birthed from our mistakes bring glory to Your name dear Jesus.
In Your name, we pray, amen.
God bless you for reading.
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