I have learnt that in life. if you want to feel like an outsider, you will be one.
Whatever goes on inside of us determines our worldview.
It influences our interpretation of the things happening around us.
It influences our interpretation of the motive of others' actions towards us.
I am learning that I need to constantly be conscious of who I am and the power I possess...as a Child of God.
I wield so much power. So much power to the extent that if I allow negativity to settle in my mind and in my heart and within me, I will kill myself before anyone can.
I went for a wedding last year and there, I felt so insecure and out-of-place.
I felt like I did not belong to that place. Ohhh I felt so terrible.
At that time, when I questioned my own feelings and why I was feeling that way, I learnt through Holy Spirit's help that I felt that way because I had failed to focus on my worth in Christ Jesus.
I failed to realise that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I failed to realise that I am the Princess of the King of Kings.
I failed to realise that I am the Daughter of the Most High God.
I failed to realise that I am a goddess.
I failed to realise that I am a diadem in the Crown of my Father.
I failed to realise that whether I feel like a Princess or not, I always move with my Crown on my Head. Hallelujah!
Because I had lost sight of these truths, I felt inferior and out of place.
But oh, if I had remembered who I truly am, I would have walked with a spring in my step.
I would have walked confidently and with my head up.
I would have just been okay with my knowledge that I am Royalty and I have Heaven backing me. Hallelujah!
A week ago, I was in a joint-class when my friend and I noticed that our other counterparts from the other class had separated themselves and their demeanor portrayed to me that they felt out of place (they were few who came to class that day).
It was when we saw their countenance that I told my friend, "If you want to feel like an outsider, you will be one".
I believe that Holy Spirit Is giving me a top-up to the other lesson He gave me last year.
Walking home yesterday, He brought to my understanding both yesterday and even now that there will be more occasions where I will be tempted to allow the voice of insecurity to play with my mind. To fight it, I would need to remind myself of Whose I am and who I have become.
Secondly, to counter the voice of insecurity, I must understand the power that resides on the inside of me and my ability to alter my worldview by taking control of my feelings and my perceptions of why people treat me the way they do.
I can be very hard on myself, sometimes. Due to this, I often in the past, would feel that I was the cause of how distasteful some people related with me.
But, I am learning to understand that yes, although I may influence how people treat me, I also must realise that some people already have internal issues which influence their actions towards other people and that has nothing to do with me.
Anyway, as God's Child, I should realise that some people can treat me poorly. But, it is my duty to have a good self-image which should have its foundation on Christ. Such a standpoint has the added advantage of influencing my reaction towards such people.
As I wrote in yesterday's vals day piece, we cannot treat others properly if we don't love ourselves enough to treat ourselves right.
<Wow. I think I have said a lot of things😁>
The import of this piece is as follows:
When insecurities and inferiority complexes come knocking on the door of your mind,
1. Remember that you are Child of God. You Are Royalty. Whether you feel like it or not, you always have a crown on your head. Wear it well and be proud of Whose you are and who you have become because of Jesus Christ.
2. Remember that you have a role in determining what you allow into your mind. You have the power to sabotage the attempts of insecurity. Whatever thought or feeling you permit into your mind will influence you. Take charge and be aware at all times.
3. Remember that sometimes, people have issues which make them hostile and mean and arrogant and condescending towards other people. You are not the reason for it. It is just that sometimes, they have so much going on within and around them that they spew negativity on anyone they come across. It is not your fault. Please, do not look down on yourself because of this. Rather, be enlightened by Holy Spirit's presence in your life and relate with them in love. With Jesus, all things are possible! All things, my dear, are possible. Hallelujah!!!
With lots of God's love,
Sharing Life.
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