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Showing posts from October, 2016


When I sometimes attend Christian events and I listen to the sermons given (be it long or short), I cannot help but feel uneasy... why? Sometimes, you hear the person holding the microphone say something like, "When I was in school, I was so lost in the world; I was living in sin. There were those in school who were seriously active in the things of God and were everywhere talking about Jesus .  But now, those people are no where to be found and I, who was so worldly, am now preaching Christ..." and the testimony goes on and on. In those days, when I heard words like that, I felt hurt and fear sometimes took the best of me because I was almost always worried whether I would be used by someone as a statistic in a scenario like that. lemme be a bit clearer. I feared that someday, someone might say something like the above statement with me in mind. Like, "oh Mary Magdalene who was always making noise about her relationship with Christ is no where to b...


We live in a fallen world filled with little to no standards.  What we fail to realise is that in the midst of this we, as the Sons and Daughters of the King, are called to be the light unto this world. I see that it is quite 'insane' for a person to purpose in his or her heart to live a life which is set apart unto God. It is okay to be different. It is okay to desire to wait on the Lord. It is okay to desire to grow the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and they are absolutely great values worth pursuing. I am very concerned about what I see all around me. I see people with low to no standards at all.  I see young people letting themselves go and moving with the tide of this world.  I see young people who fervently pray but have no knowledge of who the Holy Spirit is or even know His value in their lives. I see young people in relationships with members of the opposite sex yet know nothing about the value of such relationships to Daddy and His King...


Why does Daddy watch us go through the mud and some seemingly unpleasant circumstances??? I am learning that God allows us to go through some things not always because He wants to test our faithfulness.  I am learning that sometimes, Daddy allows us to go through the things we go through in order to break our stubborn hearts.   Many times, God speaks to us about our sinful state through His servants, through His Word and even through our very own consciences.  Prideful as we are, we fail to hear what He has been saying... until something 'bad' happens which begins to draw our attention to what God has been saying all the while. I am learning that Daddy allows us to go through these things because many times, we are so hardened in heart that it takes a bitter experience to cause us to have a turnaround.  Some years earlier, before my encounter with the Holy Spirit, I remember vividly my big brother complaining about my pride... he wasn't the only one sayin...


I went on a visit to see my younger sisters in my alma mater today. During the worship session, I heard the Lord minister to me the essence of my service to Him. I believe I heard Him say that every time I get an avenue to serve others through a word of encouragement, through His Word, or through any other means, it is actually I who gets ministered unto. I believe I heard Him say that when I serve others, it gives Him the opportunity to fill me up. This, to me, is a very profound statement! This provides me with the Grace and the ability to freely give myself to do His bidding, knowing that as I avail myself to do His bidding, He on the other hand is providing me the opportunity to receive freely from His fullness. I pray that I may always be attentive to listen to Him as He speaks through me and uses me to serve others. It is well.


Very recently, I had what I would like to call an epiphany. I don’t know whether this would make sense to you, but have you ever gotten to that point where a particular truth, which you have been hearing for a long time, hits you so hard and it sinks into your spirit so much so that there is a turnaround? That is what I term an epiphany. I learnt a while back that just as Jesus Christ is the Groom and the Church is His Bride, so does this apply to every individual. Jesus Christ is the Head of my life and I am His body. In much the same way, just as it is said that Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church His Bride, so am I (as an individual) also His Bride as He is my Bridegroom. This truth recently hit me so hard. So, I am the Bride of Christ? wooow! I am actually married… :) In my excitement, I was pouring out my heart to Him and in my conclusion, I said, “Jesus I know that You love me… and I love You too.” Just then, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me, “No, you don’t.” I w...


I am right now wondering about who might get to see this post. Maybe no one will... I have, by God's Grace, come to a place of seclusion... this phase calls for me to be more attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to the leading which the Word of God gives me. This post is to point out the new format the coming posts will take. These coming posts will be more intimate in nature. These posts will provide personal insights into this journey. they will be in no particular order unless led otherwise.   To whoever may be seeing this: you can share the subsequent posts or invite your friends and loved ones to follow Sharing Life at I am really looking forward to sharing this piece of me with you. I hope you remain blessed as always.