We live in a fallen world filled with little to no standards.
What we fail to realise is that in the midst of this we, as the Sons and Daughters of the King, are called to be the light unto this world.
I see that it is quite 'insane' for a person to purpose in his or her heart to live a life which is set apart unto God.
It is okay to be different.
It is okay to desire to wait on the Lord.
It is okay to desire to grow the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and they are absolutely great values worth pursuing.
I am very concerned about what I see all around me.
I see people with low to no standards at all.
I see young people letting themselves go and moving with the tide of this world.
I see young people who fervently pray but have no knowledge of who the Holy Spirit is or even know His value in their lives.
I see young people in relationships with members of the opposite sex yet know nothing about the value of such relationships to Daddy and His Kingdom.
I see pious young people in churches with no idea of who they are and have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I see young people who have clothed themselves with the clothing of religion and who believe that their religious acts of service will grant them a place in Heaven and yet, they know not what it means to be completely washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and redeemed into fellowship with God through His Holy Spirit.
I am concerned...
I see so many people who are just living... they do not know God... they do not know Jesus Christ... they have no idea Who the Holy Spirit is.
... they have heard of Them...and that is all.
But are they aware that THEY ARE SO EAGER to have them know Who THEY ARE?
I cannot help but see all these people living without a standard... they live... just so that they can enjoy each moment... to have fun...or to simply exist.
There is a Standard we are all called to live up to.
There is a Standard through which our lives will be measured by.
I fear that they fear to live up to this Standard because 'it' goes directly contrary to what the world dictates to its offspring...
This Standard is Jesus Christ.
He is not a difficult person.
He is the Second of the Great Trinity yet He is the First and is the Third... for He is God.
Together with the Father and the Holy Spirit they are ONE.
I will never stop saying this...
This GOD is amazing!!!
I have never encountered an Ever-selfless God in my entire life.
He is Self-Giving and filled with Great Love... He is LOVE.
He is ever willing to TEACH US who He is if only we would ASK of HIM.
He is ever willing to fill you and me up with His fullness if we would LET Him.
He does not want you to miss out on a life filled with everlasting joy, great peace and eternal love and LIFE.
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