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Why does Daddy watch us go through the mud and some seemingly unpleasant circumstances???

I am learning that God allows us to go through some things not always because He wants to test our faithfulness. 

I am learning that sometimes, Daddy allows us to go through the things we go through in order to break our stubborn hearts. 

Many times, God speaks to us about our sinful state through His servants, through His Word and even through our very own consciences. 
Prideful as we are, we fail to hear what He has been saying... until something 'bad' happens which begins to draw our attention to what God has been saying all the while.

I am learning that Daddy allows us to go through these things because many times, we are so hardened in heart that it takes a bitter experience to cause us to have a turnaround. 

Some years earlier, before my encounter with the Holy Spirit, I remember vividly my big brother complaining about my pride... he wasn't the only one saying that to me during that period. The truth is, no matter the number of times I was told by my loved ones, it still wasn't something I thought was so much of an issue. 

Then I came to St. Louis and all the things I had held on in life which gave me confidence in myself and in which I was proud of began to be stripped away from me... 
It was there that I realised that I needed a Power greater than myself and I needed Someone whom I could look up to. In simple terms, it was then that I realised that I was in need of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over my Life. I could not continue building confidence in myself  any longer. I NEEDED to build it in Jesus!

I believe that if it were up to Daddy alone, He would wish that I did not go through such an extreme experience. But for where I had gotten to, He had to use everything possible to turn my mind and my heart to Him.

It was a high risk, high returns situation... and it sure did yield the high returns... Results: I love Him, by His Grace, and I am completely sold out to Him. 

We are His pleasure... His creation of us brought Him so much joy. 
Why would He make us go through such experiences if not because of His Great Love?

I am learning and I do believe that every encounter of this nature has the Love of God written all over it.
Read the Major Prophetic Books in the Bible. You will see how much the Lord dealt with His very Chosen People because of their disobedience and their disrespect for Him. 
As you read further, you will also observe how much God poured His heart out to them and always gave them the remedy to avoiding His wrath... that is through repentance and by returning to Him.  

The truth is, whiles going through the experience, we may not see it to be out of Love... but in time, everything will make perfect sense and we will appreciate the process. 

It is so well.

Sharing Life. 


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