Hello family,
I bring you greetings from Me to you.
Yesterday at work, we were celebrating two of our work colleagues on the occasion of their birthdays. When we were praying for them, it became apparent to us that basically, in life, our going and coming is dependent on ABBA's Grace.
But in the midst of that profound realization, Holy Spirit helped me to appreciate life.
By life, I am referring to the "basic" ability to go and come; to move about and the taken-for-granted ability to wake up each day.
The encounter/realization was humbling.
So today, I just want to draw our minds to the simple truth: If we have life, we have everything.
Our ability to wake up and move about is something that should register hope for us.
A new day is an opportunity to live; an opportunity to try again.
I won't say much today but sincerely, I pray we see the gift we have received.
And of course, I cannot end without saying that having a relationship with Jesus is what gives substance to the life we're living.
You will agree with me that there is a lot going on in our world right now.
There is no peace greater than the peace Jesus gives. It doesn't exist.
With the winds blowing currently, you need to be secured to something that stands firm and does not get lost with the tide. Jesus Is that anchor.
Receive Him today and let me know if you are ready to go on this energy.
I am here to help.
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