Two weeks ago, I published a post titled, "Cornerstone" and in that post, I shared how Holy Spirit had thought me about what it means to put Jesus first in seeking Him.
I talked about how by prioritizing time spent with Him, it meant that all the other areas/facets of my life would find their alignment from this one choice.
Today, I bring you updates from this post and a few things to share.
Before I get to it, let me say how grateful I am to God for the Grace to remember this truth and prioritize Him. Honestly, to God be all the Glory.
Last week, I was reading the book of Daniel and in chapter 1, I saw how Daniel and his 3 friends chose to prioritize their devotion to God above what the Babylonian king wanted them to do.
In the chapter, we see how ABBA made them 10x better than their contemporaries.
So today, I want to share Daniel 1: 17-20
"17 As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. 18 At the end of the time, when the king had commanded that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar. 19 And the king spoke with them, and among all of them none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Therefore they stood before the king. 20 And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom." (emphasis mine)
From this passage, a few things are clear as end results for prioritizing a relationship with Jesus:
1. As I devote myself to seeking God and living for Him, I am assured that He will give me all I need to do well in my assigned field.
There is no need to worry about whether I will be enough for any assignment. ABBA will equip me to do of His good pleasure. He will equip me for every task because He is the One ordering my steps and drawing all things into alignment for me as I seek Jesus.
2. The Lord will distinguish and make me outstanding in my generation. It is not something I so will seek as this will just be the fruit of a daily walk with Him.
He becomes the distinguishing factor, the "there Is Something about her" in my life.
3. I will always be lightyears ahead of my contemporaries. Like I keep saying, it isn't something we seek to achieve but more like who we become in Him.
What I have learnt from the mystery of the Cornerstone is to SHOW UP. I see the fruits of what happens when I choose to do so and this is where I want to dwell: showing up.
So today, I pray you find the encouragement you need to keep placing Jesus where He ought to be in your life.
I pray you find the revelation you need to show up and to keep showing up. Yours might not be a Cornerstone moment like mine was but certainly, there is something ABBA will show you that will cement your resolve to maintain your walk with Jesus.
For you sitting on the fence, I pray you find the courage to take the bold step of choosing to live a life committed to Jesus. It isn't a boring life. Trust me.
And like I keep saying, sharing this doesn't mean it is always easy but by the Grace of God, I am learning to ask the Lord for the grace and strength to be consistent.
I know He will help us. He Is more than eager to do so.
Remain blessed.
With all my love,
Mary Magdalene.
How has your walk with Jesus been this month? Care to share? We are not looking for perfection.
Absolutely beautiful❤️. There's something about the Presence of God in our lives which is so sweet and refreshing. "He makes the little things we do be like say na big things o". His Grace in us and with us makes the difference. I recently shared with a friend that there may be a lot of people doing the same thing you are doing (here, I mean career or ministry). The difference between you and them is that because God has called you for that ministry or career, He distinguishes you and gives you the right backing. He does this because you made Him a priority. God bless you Ma😍
DeleteAnd you know, the truth is, as we walk with Him, we naturally flow in alignment to His will for us. It is a back to back benefit: you walk in purpose and He distinguishes you in addition. Isn't this beautiful?
Thank you so much for reading and commenting🙏🏼❤