When I started Sharing Life, the mandate was simple.
It was at a time when I knew that Holy Spirit was laying heavily on my heart to share with the world all that He was teaching me.
It was a blog highlighting my walk with the Lord and the journey He was taking me on.
Over the years, I noticed that I had been put in the "preacher" "woman of God" "evangelist" category and a few of my readership were seeing me in that light. It is not a bad thing at all but sincerely, that was not my intention.
With this perception came an unconscious expectation to live up to that tag I had been labeled by. To be clear, it wasn't the reason I shared my lessons in the past but looking back, I can say that the many times I failed to write or share with the world what I was learning was because in many ways, I felt I did not measure up to these labels.
So, I stopped sharing my life's experiences with the world.
Listen, on so many occasions, I prized the opinions and words of people I thought were more spiritually advanced over what I knew Holy Spirit was telling me. I saw His words as my words and I saw the words of others as His.
There is something the school of the Spirit has taught me: there are lessons to be learnt on this journey. And if you have not learnt the lesson, you will keep writing the test till you pass.
... that is what happened to me...
Let me just say here that I am going back to what was and still is the mandate for Sharing Life: a blog for Sharing my life's experiences; a blog where I share with you all that the Holy Spirit Is teaching me.
The beauty of life is being able to trace the growth of an individual, in this context, through his or her writings. That is what would have happened had I kept at it. The truth is, it is not late.
What I would say to you is: Fight the feeling of inadequacy that comes to you whenever you’re about to do something you know God has asked you to do. It is the devil; stand your ground! The moment you begin to accept that you are not qualified or that you are inadequate or not enough, it becomes very easy for you to elevate the opinions and genuine concerns of others over what you know your (godly) assignment is.
I pray the Holy Spirit helps us to keep this in mind always.
God bless you!
"Dear Lord, I hope this pleased You."
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