There is this group I have always wanted to be a part of.
Every time I have tried to enter,
it never works out.
There are a few members of this
group which I know and whenever I hear of them, it is always great things being
said about them.
To encourage myself that my time
will come, I would always say, “I will be a part of this group and I will do
better than them”. Well, I guess this is the reason why I have never succeeded
in being a member of this group.
The mindset is wrong.
So this morning, I was thinking about these people and how I would do better
than them when the Holy Spirit reminded me that this competitive spirit will do
me no good. It is unnecessary.
He was reminding me of how
different I am and how I could in no way replace any one of them but rather,
seek to be the best version of myself. I call this a reminder because years
earlier, I had experienced what it meant to walk in my lane.
I experienced the fulfilment of being myself and
walking in the light of who God has called me to be. I realized that the more
of myself I became and the more I walked in my purpose, at that time, the more
I wasn’t concerned about whoever was walking in his/her lane.
It is true.
Truth is, it is because we are
not working to be the best versions of ourselves that we are stuck in this hole
of comparison and competitiveness. When you realize who you are and endeavor to
really be you, you will see no need for validation from anyone.
After all, one thing Our Father drummed
into my spirit so strongly was the fact that I need not seek validation from
anyone. He said to me, “You are my daughter. You do not need to prove yourself
to anybody!”
So, if Our Father says we don’t
need to prove ourselves to anyone, why do we feel the need to compete or to
prove something to anybody?
There is so much life and light
in being yourself. I pray we all seek to be outstanding in our lane; not because
we want to do better than others but simply because we want to be better than
who we were yesterday.
Look at what He said to me this
morning: You do not know who you are or where you are headed so you think that
where you are is the best version of you. You.are.wrong!
This is a "truth" we too often forget. Reminders of this nature are apt.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. Accord🙏🏼