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Day two: Letting go... and moving on.

I have always assumed that the best sign of maturity is the ability to take responsibility for every action. Whenever something distasteful happened to me, I would blame myself, identify the parts where I contributed and then “move” on. 

Recently, I have come to realize how important it is for us to acknowledge when a wrong has been done us. 

The more we deny the truth that we’re not always the culprit and blame ourselves for all the negative things we’ve been through, the more we decrease our self-worth in our own eyes. 

The goal is not a refusal to accept our wrongs but rather to be intentional about discovering where things went wrong and who played what role. 

Be objective.

Sometimes, we take all the blame in order to diminish the hurt we might possibly feel if we take things for what they really are. 

So what happens after I carefully analyze things and then discover I was treated unfairly? How do I let go of the hurt?

I pray. 

I pray for God’s love to dominate the hurt I feel. 

... and then I move on. 

A component of “moving on” is letting go of the past, including the wrong which has been done you. It’s not as easy as it sounds. It is hard... sometimes... but we move, chale!

“Father it is hard to let go of this pain. 

It comes to mind always and it hurts all over again.

Please help me to not give in to my emotions.

I realize I cannot fully move on when I am still holding on to the hurt caused me.

Glorify thyself in this situation and cause this pain to bring me so much joy. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”



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