I was wrongfully accused of a crime I did not commit. For years, I struggled to come to terms with the fact that my friend told a lie against me.
I was insulted. I was mistreated.
I just didn’t get why this friend’s mother had so much bitterness towards me. I was only a child... I was in class 3 (...9yrs old). In that moment, I thought I was a stranger (I had known that family my entire life).
For close to 17years, I have waited to hear the words, “I am sorry” from my friend’s mother.
For me, an “I am sorry” proves I did not commit the crime I was accused of and also leads this friend’s mother to accept she was wrong about me.
That hasn’t happened.
My quiet time for today tells me that when I find myself taking account of past wrongs done me, I am not walking in love.
Truly, I haven’t walked in love in this regard.
3y3 mi ya paa! (what I said in twi was, “it hurts a great deal !”)
But something is happening to me as I am typing this out: that hurt is diminishing. This is by far the most public I have been about a case that happened 17yrs ago.
My goodness, it’s been 17 years!
The question is, “How do you find closure when that key component of the closure you seek does not come?”
Let me use the lessons I garnered from today’s quiet time to answer this question:
Love pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
And since I have the God-kind of love in me, it is not godly to pay attention to or keep record of suffered wrong.
I can’t keep it within if I belong to God.
So, I have to let it go.
When I begin to take account of the evil done me, I am not walking in love.
If I stay in love and walk in love, I will come out on top in the long run!
I guess what I’m trying to say is, God says I should let it go... and so I will. The goal forever remains to not gratify the flesh.
“Father in the name of Jesus, today, I boldly declare that I have no resentment in my heart towards anyone!” (Say this till it becomes your daily experience)
Are you seeking closure on something? Can you tell me about it?
God bless you!
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