Hello there,
Still on the fitness journey (I couldn't lift my hands up properly today 😂) but I'm alive 😂.
One thing my Personal Trainer (henceforth PT) insists on is "REST".
Research has indicated that rest allows our muscles, nerves, bones and connective tissues time to rebuild after working out.
The reason why I want to touch on rest today is because, if you are like me, it is easy to want to do more work because 1, you may want to practice what you've previously learnt or 2, you feel like you can do more to lose more weight.
It doesn't work that way.
After the second day of working out, my body was bruised in all places. I could barely climb the stairs nor walk casually like I used to. It was pretty intense.
The next day was my rest day and yes, I was tempted to do a thing or two but I slept instead and just took a break.
The night before my next workout, I could lift my legs easily and I went to my training eager and ready!
What I discovered on my rest day was that my body was healed and I could do more workouts the next day.
The morale of the story is:
In life, we work hard and we put in a lot of work.
In life, we work hard and we put in a lot of work.
We are encumbered by so many messages on "hitting the grind" "putting in the work" "hustling" etc and these mindsets put us in that zone of wanting to do more and more and more.
Just as much as we are putting in the work, we must also put in the rest. Make as much time for rest as you make for working hard. It is very necessary.
If you ascribe to Kobe Bryant's Mamba mentality, you know that Kobe's mamba mentality says push hard; work harder than you did yesterday and see the fruits develop. True. But, I recall watching a video of Kobe addressing the importance of rest and sleep and stating how important these two are for any athlete or go-getter.
We know how hard you work for your dreams.
We see you and we know how willing you are to put in the work.
But when you have done the hard thing, give your body and mind rest.
It really is about value.
If you perceive rest as a waste of time, you will never appreciate it nor give room for the usefulness it brings.
Signing off, I want to say this: Chale, rest. It is important.
Cheers and love,
Mary Magdalene.
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