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Movie review: Overcomer (2019 movie)

My friend, Victor Ayertey, recommended the Overcomer movie to me yesterday. I just finished watching this movie and there are so many lessons to take away from this movie but as usual, I do not intend for this to be a spoiler alert. I just find a number of lessons in there worth sharing... and yes, some pretty pretty great laughs too😂...which I won't be adding. 

I want to share the main message I sensed in the movie but before I get to that main point, let me give you an appetizer. (I've been cooking a lot in this lockdown so pardon me if food is still on my mind whiles typing this😅).

   I have learnt that disagreements may arise in marriage but communication is key.
There is a nugget of Wisdom to be picked from Amy Harrison's approach to handling the disagreement she had with John. I really like how she found a way of communicating her heart concerning her husband in a way that wasn't so direct (although direct) yet conveyed the message of how she felt. She used third-person pronouns to talk to John about how she felt about herself and her husband (John is her husband). You see what I mean? You don't? Watch the movie, you will understand what I'm trying to say 😊 
My point is, from this movie, I have learnt that I can try this approach during a disagreement or misunderstanding when communicating directly is difficult. Her approach should be a marriage counselling material, most definitely!

Now to the main meal...

Although fiction, I believe the Kendrick Brothers want to show us the depth and vastness of Daddy's love for us and of His ability to go above and beyond to prove His love for us. 
What I see in this movie is a God Who will and does not mind shutting down an entire factory, shaking a whole town and moving people around just to meet the heart desire of a son. He Is the Ultimate Grand Chess Master! 
God has proven to me through this movie that He will do whatever He can to reach me and He will do anything for a heart that is rendered unto Him. 
I am blown away. What a Father!
What I see also, is how God Is able to work on the human heart (if we will let Him) and His ability to mend broken hearts and answer prayers. 
I see the power of prayer, the power of following the Lord's will, the power of salvation, the power of seeking the Lord's will and the power of finding our identity in Him. 

Wrapping up, let me ask: What is a good meal without dessert 😁? 

Let me add one more thing. 

I have seen that it takes little to make great impact. 
A definite parent hack I am going to use (soon, I hope) is the voice-recorded prayers and messages to my kids on their birthdays. I have learnt that there is a way to still be in the lives of my babies even if I may not be physically able to do that. This is a hack worthy of use. 
Also, the love of Thomas Hill for his daughter gave me the assurance of Our Father's love for me. He Is singing over me. He prays over me. He speaks life over me. He speaks peace and joy over me. He speaks wholeness and overwhelming love over me. He speaks joy and laughter over me. He speaks great bouts of laughter over me. He Is speaking daily over me and every day, as surely as the sun rises and sets, He rejoices over me with singing. I see Him smiling His love over me and this is beautiful. 

A few action points for you:
1. Go watch that move, "Overcomer". (you can find it on Netflix)
2. Read Ephesians 1-2 to discover who and Whose you are. 

I hope you have had a wonderful meal but a quick question for you: "Who are you beyond your job, your family name, your title, your role as a child, spouse, parent?"

Remember, in Hannah's words, "The Creator gets to define who the creation is". 
With all the love in my heart, 
Mary Magdalene. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this love with me and everyone who might see this.

    "I am Chosen and set apart for His good works. I am loved"


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