Hi, hi, hi!!!
I find myself in a very interesting place lately.
Loving Jesus is the death of me.
It is the death of me because my Lord takes eminence and precedence over me in every sense of the word... over my thoughts, over my intentions and over my dispositions.
It is interesting because right now, I understand that Jesus being Lord over my life means that His plans and His will overrule every bit of mine.
This means that even in the choice of spouse, although I may like someone, I know so well that His preference is a 100% determinant of my choice.
Which means that if He Is not in, then, I am not.
Although painful and somewhat scary, this knowledge and acceptance makes me proud of myself because it shows me that by His Grace, I am understanding what it means for Jesus to be Lord over my life.
I know I am a Princess of the King of Kings but I know so well that this doesn't mean I get to have my way all the time.
His will over mine... any day, anyhow, anytime.
Amen and amen. Praise the Lord with me, Praise the Lord!!!
...Praise His Holy name. He Is Good!