In his sermon at church on Tuesday, my Priest said that when we continue to dwell in sin, Daddy will take His blessings away from us.
I was pondering on what He said when Holy Spirit drew my attention to something I learnt in December, which I believe in some way explains what my priest said on Tuesday.
You see, this Universe comprises two realms: Light and darkness. Those of us who by the Grace of God, believe in Jesus Christ belong to the Light whereas those who don't dwell in darkness. It is that simple, innit? Now, tell me, where do you belong?
I have learnt that when we make that choice to follow Jesus and His precepts (which, fundamentally, is to love the Lord with all our heart and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves) we naturally gravitate towards the Light and in effect, closer to God (no one can come to Him except by coming through Jesus Christ, remember?).
Now when this occurs, we get closer to His Person and what that means is that we begin to reap the benefits of being close to Him i.e. we begin to experience His fullness in terms of blessings, graces, favour, etc. Mind you, this Is Who God Is. He didn't start blessing you because you came closer to Him. You started experiencing these things because you chose to get closer to Him by experience and through relationship. This Is already Who God Is. He gives
The other side is that when we choose to dwell in sin, we automatically gravitate towards darkness. And in darkness, the feature characteristic of that realm is that of death and anything that steals and destroys. Please note that it is not that Daddy took His blessings away from us but that rather, the choices we made took us farther and farther away from Him. Hence ridding us more and more of His blessings.
Holy Spirit just drew my attention to this portion of Scripture that tells us that Daddy's gifts to us are without repentance. Why are they without repentance? It Is because Daddy's default setting Is Life and life abundantly. He will not take back the Life/gift He gives us just so He could punish us. To do that would defeat the purpose for Christ's coming. He gave Jesus Christ to the entire world so that all who would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
I don't know if you share in this mentality that Daddy 'takes' His blessings away from us but I just want to draw our attention to the fact that we ought to be mindful of the choices we make. For, these choices we make could either take us closer to Daddy and His Glory and to all the goodies attached to Him or farther away from Him into sin and darkness.
What decisions are you taking today?
(Further reading: John 3:16; John 10:10; Romans 11:29)
(Further reading: John 3:16; John 10:10; Romans 11:29)
Peace, peace and peace to you, Marlene. Truly, Daddy doesn't take His blessings away from his Word I found that, The gifts of God are without repentance. Like you stated, God gives and as we approach Him we benefit from His blessings and graces. So Uncle Isaiah said, it is not that Daddy's arm is too short to save us, nor his ear too dull to hear us but it is our sins that have separated us from Him...for me, it tells me truly, light and darkness have nothing in common and I better be in the light Jesus offers.
ReplyDeleteMy Father is God to the entire Universe and Father to believers who choose to Believe Daddy in His statement of Jesus being Who He is, "The way, truth and the Life". In that Life is embodied what we refer to as Grace, so indeed, Daddy doesn't take His blessings, for He lays before us, "Life and death; Prosperity [blessing] and Curses", our choices indeed justify that which we would walk in. Thanks for the enlightenment on the "Choice" teaching!!!!!!