This month has been busy for me because I am getting my research paper done. Sometimes, I like to focus my energy on getting a particular task done to the extent that I shut out all other engagements or commitments till I am through with that particular task. My confession and testimony are as follows: Over the past two weeks, I had not actively had my quiet time. Whenever I woke up, I would quickly get to work on my research work. Yes, I prayed. Yes, I listened to sermons and I went to church but I wasn't placing Him first. Also, I wasn't going for rehearsals and Thursday Mass because I had to get my work done. I just didn't put Jesus first. I prioritized my thesis above Him and in my defense, I would tell myself that He would want me to focus on this now. The thing is, though I was getting my work done, I knew there had to be a better way. By the Mercy of God, on Saturday, I resolved to calibrate. When I woke up today, I went straight t...
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