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Thank You Lord: I am not wood!

Hello there,

It has been a while. Within this period, Sharing Life has launched its t-shirt line and I  must say, they are a beauty! Thanks to Derick Ehla of OM4J for the push. Praise the Lord! 
Also, the vision for Sharing Life still is taking shape and we give all the Glory to Jesus Alone. Praise the Lord once more!

Within this period also, I must say that I have and perhaps still am experiencing some fluttering in my heart. I tell you 😓. Well what can I say? I have feelings too and it is a blessing knowing that I am not wood. Hallelujah.

As you (or most of you) know, I am single by God's Grace and I must say that it is a good place to be. I enjoy my company and I am a happy child by God's Grace. Praise the Lord!
But, for some time now, It looks like my heart has been speeding in many directions. I guess it is part of growth to have such feelings. I mean, the thought of having a beloved who will become my "I DO" looks good and all this leads me to wonder..."Babe, who at all are you that I have to wait like this?"
Because I know who I am, I know I can't settle for anyone and this keeps me in my tracks when my feelings threaten to cause me to jump ahead of Jesus.

Chale, it is not easy o but God makes it possible.

It is very interesting to find myself having crushes and all (the last time I had a crush was in 2015) and that was it...3yrs ago. And now, to find myself in a position where I am having crushes and I am becoming expectant of having a beloved sometimes surprises me....hahaha. Sorry but I find it quite amusing. Is this me? Don't get me wrong. I have dated before and it's been a while. Although I appreciate love, I have grown to be cautious because I'm not sure I am ready for that phase yet. So to find myself in this state, I find it very interesting 😂

SO what do I do in such circumstances?

I pray.
I pray for Him and I pray for the Lord's will to overtake mine. You see, there may be a lot of potentials but an Isaac has always proven to be better than an Ishmael. I know that any choice I make of my own will will be based on what I see before my very eyes but with God, He knows my future and He sees beyond what I see. Thus, I pray. 
He leads.

I enjoy my day. You know what? I have come to realise that once I pray about how I am feeling when I am feeling it, some way somehow, I forget about it and I get busy doing something else. 
Therefore, it isn't that the moment those thoughts or feelings come I try to look for something to do first to take my mind off it. Rather, by God's Grace, I tell Jesus about what is going on within me and before I realise, I am in a different state. Praise the Lord.

Fundamentally, I would rather hold on tightly to Jesus Christ by Holy Spirit's help than to make a decision out of my feelings. As for feelings, they are good but they don't serve as the basis for our decisions as Children of the King of Kings. 

I thought I might share this to encourage you... I mean, both of us.
It is well ooo.


  1. Every tabernacle contain a treasure; the hidden treasure. It takes time, I mean waiting time, to find the tabernacle in the first place and it takes another seeking time and an added ingredient of patience to discover the treasure hidden within the tabernacle. For me, waiting times are gold and very precious. I remember, the first time I had to save money to buy a carpet for my first rented room; 4 years ago. I had to wait because I didn't have the financial standing then, however, I imagined how beautiful and comfortable the floor would look and feel like when I carpet it. I had to be patient to have the genuine means to do it because I encountered some dishonest opportunities but my conscience wouldn't allow me to go on that path. While I waited to buy my carpet, I became conscious of the value of patience and the power of growth. Questions like, how long can I wait to satisfy my desire of buying a carpet? Why can't I use of the dishonest opportunities to satisfy this desire? Nobody is watching me...then I remembered, every human being may not be watching me, but God is!...He is the 'One Man' in the audience...(got this from one of your posts on Sharing Life)

    Fast forward, I got the money and carpeted the room. The evening of that day it dawned on me: I now have my long awaited carpet, but I have learnt something good which brought me fulfillment, that is the patience to see your desires met and the process of growth (I need to enjoy the process because it is not enough to arrive at the finish line but I must enjoy every step of the way). Now my attention gradually shifted from carpet to another I asked myself, what at all is this? desire after I learnt the truth that, human beings are now made sense. For me, waiting seasons are beautiful. That is when I truly get to know my Father who art in heaven yet cares so much about me. But I found another hurdle, that is getting too comfortable with waiting such that, when Daddy says, 'My son, let's get going now', I complain because I have become too comfortable with the interim beauty of the waiting season. But, like Uncle Paul said, 'I still press-on for the goal forgetting the past'...the past beauty. Eiii...I thought I was commenting oo...I have written a post...

    #Sharing Life


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