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My journey with Holy Spirit

This might probably be the longest I will ever publish.
Here we go...

Senior High School

I started my relationship with Holy Spirit in St. Louis Senior High School. At that time, my father was going through a bit of a struggle and I didn't want to be a burden to him. I had made a terrible decision to combine my chopbox with a friend's and when my provisions finished, I couldn't call home. I was sad and I remembered that daddy had told me that if I ever wanted to change and be a better human, I should start by reading the "Book of Proverbs". 
I came across Wisdom and I prayed for that Friendship and then someway somehow, I believed that I was never alone and that I had a Friend with me and that was when I starting fellowshiping with Holy Spirit.    

Prior to this, I remember when I was in class 6, I heard Someone share His heart with me. He asked me, "Why is it that when people have problems, they tell their friends about it and then their friends give them bad advice and then they come to me when things go bad?" I remember that question so well and I will never forget it. I didn't see Who asked that question. I didn't hear a voice like you would if I had called you. But, I heard Him and I knew it was Him and not me. I knew it was the Lord even when I didn't know Him...but my spirit did. I believe my spirit has always been in tune with His. My spirit has been His from the very beginning. 

I knew He was with me in the times when I was crying in the woods and and pitying myself for my mistakes. I know He was that Friend Who was with me in the darkness when I thought no one saw me. I walked a lot by myself and I prayed (actually talked to Him a lot). I recall how once, a Priest Uncle of mine told me that if I didn't take care, someone would say I was going mad...hahaha Glory to Jesus !!!

Trust me when I say that He stood by my side through it all. When I was appointed as the Head Girl of my school and I didn't know what to do, He led me. He took control. I did nothing. He did everything. My Headmistress praised us for the work. I praise Him because I know I did nothing. He Is my Friend and He helped me. 
When WASSCE came and all others were chasing after questions, He taught me and He helped me maintain my resolve to not cheat. He was with me when others were wailing because of a Physics paper that didn't go well, I was filled with joy even when I knew i wrote nothing. For my final paper, in which I had ten days to prepare for and the one for which I had worked so hard to study for, I went in the exam hall and I went blank. I believed in myself that I had studied and prepared myself adequately. But, I entered and I went totally blank not being able to do a thing. I am learning right now that He never wanted me to do things by my own strength. Lord, have mercy. 

University and the life after

I kept hearing Him direct me. He told me to leave the drama ministry and join the music ministry. I suffered a major attack that led me to denounce God. I know I hurt Him and I know He wanted me to believe that He Is Able to work things out for my good. This singular act put me in a dark place... a very dark place. It is well.
He brought me out from that dark place and I had to learn to trust Him.
Over these years, if there be anything He keeps echoing to me concerning my life and my destiny, it is the simple phrase, "Trust Me".
I am learning to trust Him. 
I am learning to run to Him first.

And now, I am learning what it means to be Partnered with Him. 

I am grateful Jesus. 

Woow! You know what? When I started this post and I stated that it was going to be the longest, I believe I felt Him nudging me that that's not gonna happen. Aaaaand, there you have it.

I pray this piece blessed you enough to BELIEVE that there IS A FRIEND Who sticks closer than a brother.

With love,
Mary Magdalene.


  1. I don't know what to say, but truly it blessed me. What a friend we have in Jesus...

  2. more comment, keep journeying and you will be sorted.


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