Today, I was privileged to hear one of my bosses share a story of how she managed to rescue herself from a bathroom she had mistakenly locked herself in.
She made a statement that caught my attention, "If anyone had ever told me I could jump this wall, I would never have believed".
But in time, she actually did climb that wall😂.
Isn't it true what they say, "Necessity is the mother of invention".
Scripture tells us that we can do all things through Christ. I am learning that once I am willing to do something, I can actually do it. By my strength, I will not prevail but by Holy Spirit, hahaaaa... I can move mountains. Hallelujah!!!
There was a time when I thought that I could only achieve certain feats when I had some particular people in my life. But, Holy Spirit is teaching, through separation and other means that I can do all things because of Him and not because of another.
My love, don't get me wrong.
We need people to reach far in life... God-ordained people, I mean, but there is a place for that and there is a place for learning to do things on your own with only the Spirit of Jesus Christ with you.
It is a tough place to find yourself but trust me when I tell you that it is a blessing... A true Gift of God.
...when Holy Spirit teaches you how to slay, Himself 😄.
This week, I have achieved feats which I never thought I could.
I have gained certain perspectives I never thought I would.
I have encountered people I never thought I could.
I have grown in certain areas where I never thought I could do alone.
Hahaha...God Is Glorious.
Child of God, what makes you think you can't?
What makes you think that Greatness is not inside of you?
You have Holy Spirit in you.
You have Jesus residing on the inside of you.
Hahaaa. Hallelujah!
There is nothing like persecution that does not birth greatness.
You are more than a conqueror.
I pray for you and I pray for me that we may find ourselves in many many 'uncomfortable' situations which will birth in us, growth upon growth, spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, Grace upon Grace, and Favour upon Favour..
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