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"Thy Kingdom Come"

Today, I share my thoughts on a subject I have been pondering on for close to a year.

The Kingdom of God

A year ago, I believe I heard Daddy tell me to pray that His Kingdom come.

Although I did commit the assignment to prayer, I still did not understand what it meant and in time, I stopped. 

In the Gospels, Jesus Christ talks a lot about the Kingdom of God. In the Lord's prayer, He included it in the prayer when He said, 

"Luke 11:2-4King James Version (KJV)

And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil." (stress mine)
Today, I decided to read around this to get understanding on this concept. I was listening to a podcast by and in it, John Piper talked about the Kingdom of God being Daddy's  rule, His lordship and His sovereign governance. 
Upon hearing this, Holy Spirit impressed this on my heart:
Daddy wants to be united with His creation. Daddy wants His original plan of unity between man and Himself to be re-established. Daddy desires us. Daddy wants to be the Lord of our lives. He wants to be our focus. He wants to be the reason behind our smile. He wants to be the reason behind our laughter. He wants our hearts to beat for Him again. He wants us to live, basking in His presence forever. Daddy wants us back.

So, when I pray for His Kingdom to come, I am praying for Daddy's desire to come to pass: His desire to reign in the hearts of His beloved creation. If Jesus Christ came in the form of man and Daddy called Him His beloved, in this state, it means that we (man) are His beloved too. He created us and He found pleasure in us. He created us and He saw us as good.

Praying for His Kingdom to come is praying for the restoration of the broken relationship. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was critical for this: Jesus Christ paid the price for our union to be complete in Him. Jesus Christ paid the price that kicked satan off the seats of our lives in order that Jesus Christ, Who Is God, would be Lord of our hearts. 

To see change in this world, I need to pray for Daddy's Kingdom to come. 
In effect, His rule will be more evident in this world as the hearts of men are turned to Him. 

After all, that is where Daddy wants to be.  

Mary Magdalene.


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