My initial caption for this post was, "There is peace in the process". Well, that was before I came across Tom Terry's post on Preach It Teach It, which you can find here:
We are all on a journey. We are all taking different courses but as Christians, our Way Is One and the destination is the same for us all. This means that the conditioning that Holy Spirit will take us through will differ for each of us but the goal will be the same.
I had wanted to use the concept of peace in the process but upon further reading, and thanks to Tom's post, I discovered that the peace that came to mind in that instance was the place of emotional stability or emotional stillness on a matter (well, isn't that what most of us mean when we talk about having a 'peace' on a matter?).
Upon further introspection, I believe that what I want to really address is on conviction (which is a firmly held belief or opinion) on a matter. The conviction that Holy Spirit gives. I believe I can best explain what I mean by using myself as an example.
In the past year, I have had to make some very tough decisions. I found myself having to leave a place of 'spiritual security' to embrace the unknown certainties of life just like taking a plunge from a 'high' building into a deep ocean, not knowing whether I would float or sink. (I believe I am sailing through in Jesus' name, amen!)
It was a tough decision to take. My course wan't defined in that moment and I didn't know how things would take a full circle for me (I am still discovering, by God's Grace). I moved out because I knew I had to. It was an unshakable knowing that this was the plunge I had to take. It wasn't something that I always felt good about and I didn't feel calm in some moments. In fact, there were some very turbulent times and I sometimes wondered if I had made the right decision.
But, whenever I was faced with the thought of going back in that season, I knew I wasn't supposed to...not just yet. And this knowing stuck with me and gave me the tranquility to remain resolute. So, the peace I had intended to write about, initially, came after I had remained resolute in my conviction. I did not necessarily experience it before I made the decision or even when I made that decision.
Did this conviction bring me closer to Daddy? Yes, it did.
Did this conviction bring me into a deeper knowledge of myself? Yes, it did.
Does this conviction lead me to times of uncertainty? Yes, it does.
In spite of this uncertainty, do I know within my innermost self that I am in the right place? Yes, I do.
Is my soul rested in Jesus Christ's Lordship over my life? Yes, it is.
Do I have everything figured out? No, I don't.
Does this mean I should return? Absolutely not.
In his article, Tom renders a telling image of Jesus Christ's agony in the garden before His crucifixion. Jesus Christ was far from emotional stability in that season. Yet, He knew that for that particular reason had He come to Earth and so regardless of whether He was internally at peace with what was before Him or not, that was what Daddy brought Him here to do and He was convinced that He had to do it.
I am talking about this search for emotional stillness that tells us that we are in Daddy's will. Our feelings are fleeting and our emotions can shock us in some instances especially in those moments when we expect to act in a certain way and this is because Holy Spirit broods over us and stills our soul in seasons. But, in all decisions, in all situations, let us seek the the conviction Holy Spirit gives...a firmly held belief that 'this is the way Daddy wants me to go'.
Sharing Life.
We are all on a journey. We are all taking different courses but as Christians, our Way Is One and the destination is the same for us all. This means that the conditioning that Holy Spirit will take us through will differ for each of us but the goal will be the same.
I had wanted to use the concept of peace in the process but upon further reading, and thanks to Tom's post, I discovered that the peace that came to mind in that instance was the place of emotional stability or emotional stillness on a matter (well, isn't that what most of us mean when we talk about having a 'peace' on a matter?).
Upon further introspection, I believe that what I want to really address is on conviction (which is a firmly held belief or opinion) on a matter. The conviction that Holy Spirit gives. I believe I can best explain what I mean by using myself as an example.
In the past year, I have had to make some very tough decisions. I found myself having to leave a place of 'spiritual security' to embrace the unknown certainties of life just like taking a plunge from a 'high' building into a deep ocean, not knowing whether I would float or sink. (I believe I am sailing through in Jesus' name, amen!)
It was a tough decision to take. My course wan't defined in that moment and I didn't know how things would take a full circle for me (I am still discovering, by God's Grace). I moved out because I knew I had to. It was an unshakable knowing that this was the plunge I had to take. It wasn't something that I always felt good about and I didn't feel calm in some moments. In fact, there were some very turbulent times and I sometimes wondered if I had made the right decision.
But, whenever I was faced with the thought of going back in that season, I knew I wasn't supposed to...not just yet. And this knowing stuck with me and gave me the tranquility to remain resolute. So, the peace I had intended to write about, initially, came after I had remained resolute in my conviction. I did not necessarily experience it before I made the decision or even when I made that decision.
Did this conviction bring me closer to Daddy? Yes, it did.
Did this conviction bring me into a deeper knowledge of myself? Yes, it did.
Does this conviction lead me to times of uncertainty? Yes, it does.
In spite of this uncertainty, do I know within my innermost self that I am in the right place? Yes, I do.
Is my soul rested in Jesus Christ's Lordship over my life? Yes, it is.
Do I have everything figured out? No, I don't.
Does this mean I should return? Absolutely not.
In his article, Tom renders a telling image of Jesus Christ's agony in the garden before His crucifixion. Jesus Christ was far from emotional stability in that season. Yet, He knew that for that particular reason had He come to Earth and so regardless of whether He was internally at peace with what was before Him or not, that was what Daddy brought Him here to do and He was convinced that He had to do it.
I am talking about this search for emotional stillness that tells us that we are in Daddy's will. Our feelings are fleeting and our emotions can shock us in some instances especially in those moments when we expect to act in a certain way and this is because Holy Spirit broods over us and stills our soul in seasons. But, in all decisions, in all situations, let us seek the the conviction Holy Spirit gives...a firmly held belief that 'this is the way Daddy wants me to go'.
Sharing Life.
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