God loves His children.
That is why He places in our hearts good thoughts towards His children, which would produce good works towards them.
And, as we do these good works, Daddy gives us the fulfillment that comes with this act. We have a knowing that the joy and fulfillment which we experience are in effect, a privilege because we are reminded that it is a gift to be placed in the position to give to others.
Father please help us, even in our seemingly purest of intentions to do good to others, to remember that such positions are a gift and a trust.
Lord, please help us to not take this for granted. Please, Father.
We have to realise that we are nothing but avenues of His Love to His creation.
There is no good thought or deed in us that we hold claim to as being from us.
It is God Who gives us these thoughts and these pure intentions.
Father, what good thing have we that was originally from us? You Are the Source of all that is Good and Pure.
Please, help us to not forget.
We have to realise that we are nothing but avenues of His Love to His creation.
There is no good thought or deed in us that we hold claim to as being from us.
It is God Who gives us these thoughts and these pure intentions.
Father, what good thing have we that was originally from us? You Are the Source of all that is Good and Pure.
Please, help us to not forget.
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