This evening, whiles I was buying food, I heard a little boy singing, “I will never never never forget Jesus. I will never, I will never. I will never never never forget Jesus. I will never forget my Lord.”
eyes were filled with tears as I listened to this little one.
I want this child-like faith and enthusiasm.
I want this child-like ‘thing’ that makes one trust Father
I want the vulnerability that comes with being a child…a
child of The King.
I want to be free to ask for what I need and want and not
fear that Daddy will not grant them.
I want the audacity to go into His presence at any time and
not be bothered about protocol, because He Is my Father!
I want to be bold and honest about who I am, how I am and
what I am. Yes, He knows already. But. I still want to let Him know.
I want to be a child to my Father forever.
I do not want to think that as I grow, things must change
and so I have to ‘woman’ up… so much so that I must realise that I cannot ask
my Father for anything because this world says it is ‘impossible’!
I am not against maturity…there is a difference.
We must mature, most certainly.
But, that must not bring us to that point where we feel
like we are supposed to take care of our own selves to the extent that we
forget that we are His kids.
He Is our Daddy; He doesn’t change…so, why must we?
Father, where did we learn to become all ‘grown-up’?
Personally, I want to be a daughter… I know I am already.
But, I want
to be deliberate in my relationship with You.
Honestly, I want to be a child…Your child.
Holy Spirit, will You please teach me how to be a daughter
to Daddy?
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