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So, I am in this hot vehicular traffic jam on the Ayeduase road and I chanced upon this Scripture which was shared by Veronica Campbell-Brown, who happens to be one of the best female athletes in the world and one of my favourites too…

Seek the Lord and His strength; yearn for and seek His face and to be in His presence continually!” 1Chron. 16:11
I was wowed. Upon reaching my home, I decided to read further…I quickly went to my Bible to read again.

Earnestly remember the marvelous deed which He has done, His miracles, and the judgements He uttered as in Egypt, O you offspring of Abraham and of Israel His servants, you children of Jacob, His chosen ones!”
1 Chronicles 16:12-13, Amplified Topical Reference Bible
I was struck by the 12th verse that says, “Earnestly remember the marvelous deeds which He has done, His miracles, and the judgements He uttered [as in Egypt]”.

I couldn’t help but wonder why the speaker was calling on the people to remember everything that Daddy had done for them.

Then, Holy Spirit brought to my attention the fact that in most times, we tend to forget.
Daddy knows that being bound in these earthly bodies, our natural tendency is to forget.
Have you ever wondered how easy it is for you to forget about all the good things someone has done for you the moment that person hurts you?

It is nothing intentional, but then in our nature, we are more drawn to the negatives than to the positives. The world we live in is an evil one; that being said, we must be rest-assured that so long as we are here, in this world, the bad will always be projected and magnified over the good.

But, as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God, we must consciously purpose in our hearts and minds to dwell on the good and not on the bad people do to us.

I have not done a great job at this in recent weeks…

The good thing is, when He speaks, we ought to listen and to obey. The Psalmist says, “If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.”

The point is, once this realization comes to you, it is up to you to make the bold step of making things right. Holy Spirit Is ever- ready to guide and show us how.
I just realised, also, that when I choose to dwell on the good things the person has done and turn a blind eye to the wrong he/she may have done, it makes my heart lighter and it gives me freedom to live above offences.

I believe it is possible.

I believe that we can purpose in our hearts and minds to fix our gaze on the good a person does.
Mind you, it does not mean we condone sin, on the contrary, such a perspective gives us the ability to better rebuke in love and it further gives us the courage to still believe that they are good and hope that they can be better.

I believe that we can and will do better.

Finally, brethren, regardless of what you may be going through in this season, please, do not give up on faith and hope in Who your Father Is.

We are admonished to earnestly remember all the marvelous things He has done. We must always and consciously remember His Goodness. We must cling on to that virtue of Our Father ever-tightly. If for nothing at all, remember that He sent Jesus Christ to die for you and to redeem you from the shackles of sin and the eternal slavery that was bound to destroy you both on this Earth and Hell forever.

We serve a Good God; He Is Our Father…regardless.

Do not forget!


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