A while back, I put a post on Facebook where I stated that “Before you say ‘I do’, make sure you marry God first.”
Growing up, I used to hear people say, “Remember your First Love”. I had been wondering what exactly that meant until I came into contact with Christ.
Let me tell you something brief about my life.
When I was very young, I had a strong need for love and the sense of feeling loved. It was as though if my parents were giving my siblings 100% love, I required 250%. I had a greater sense and need for love. Whenever I had the sensing of hate or negativity, I would attempt suicide. It was like there was this profound and overwhelming need for a filling-up of my heart and I didn’t know what else I had to do to fill it up. Like Mary Magdalene, I was seeking happiness from created things…my father, mother, siblings and at a point, from friends.
…and then I encountered Christ in my teens and I noticed this vacuum filling up…although I still thirst for His fullness…by His Grace.
In the matters of the heart, my decision was to focus on Christ alone with the belief that He would teach me how my beloved was wired and how I could understand him enough to love him.
That was the plan and a good focus until I realized this recently…
In order for me to be ready for life with my beloved, I must say YES to God through Jesus and with the help of His Holy Spirit...
There is a longing in the heart of every man and woman which can only be filled by Jesus and the Love of God. Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can make you whole. No created thing can fill this void in the heart of the creation…only the Creator can.
What has saying yes to Jesus got to do with my beloved and me???
Believe it or not; our walk with the Holy Spirit is a love relationship. Christ is the Bridegroom and you and me (being a part of His Church) form His Bride.
Let’s come down to you and Christ…
When you say yes to Jesus Christ and a fellowship with His Holy Spirit, you say yes to a love relationship. Like all Love relationships, there are low times, high times, trying times, moments of pure bliss and joy.
Sometimes we are hurt because we feel Jesus could have done better or we feel that the He could have prevented the trials. Other times, we feel the love so strong and this fills us with so much joy.
Our walk with Christ is a period of learning and growth.
As a woman, you get to experience what it means to submit to your Lord…this is the point where you accept His leadership. This is where you place His will as supreme over your life. Here, you choose to conform to His will for your life. In this walk, you find your purpose in Him.
As a man, you get to experience the depth of the love of this Bridegroom who never wavers in His resolve or love for His Bride, but consistently seeks to pursue Her in spite of Her shortcomings. You pursue…regardless…even after you have both said “I DO”.
The more you fellowship with the Lord, the more you are transformed into His likeness…
The more you are transformed into His likeness, the more You see things in the actual order in which He established everything before time began.
For you, young lady, you get to see that indeed, you are to submit to your beloved like the Church to Christ.
For you, young man, you love your beloved like Christ loves His Church…unconditionally.
This looks almost impossible…
You know what?
With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can submit to Christ and with Him, it is impossible to not live this life.
This is the blueprint for marriage…this is the synchrony.
Ask yourself this question and follow-up to answer the second one with your beloved:
2. Are we ready to enter into marriage using the blueprint of Christ and His Church as our guide?
Whatever your answer is, don’t stop seeking the Holy Spirit of God in all things…especially concerning your love relationship.
He Cares.
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