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My life has been something else.

Through it all, God has been faithful to me.

Then I understood that as the BRIDEGROOM, that is His very nature.

He will never ever ever stop pursuing me until He wins my heart over.

His Love for me is unchanging.

If it did, then He would cease being God.

He would be like man who changes every time.

I, on the other hand, was scared to love.

I am not talking about falling in love with a man for a lifelong relationship that leads to marriage and beyond.

I am referring to my initial inability to let go of my defenses to show genuine love to others because I feared that they would throw my love back in my face.

I was scared of maybe being vulnerable and pouring out the very depths of my heart out to serve them.

Not because I didn't want to, but because I feared rejection.

Today, I watched a Christian documentary titled FURIOUS LOVE.

I realised that indeed, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, for the pulling down of strongholds.

After watching this documentary, I conclusively attest to the simple fact the only true weapon we have as Christians is the fullness of Love, that is Christ Jesus, and the demonstration of this Love to our neighbours through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Come to think of it my brother, my sister,






When we allow the Love of God to grow in our hearts through the help of the Holy Spirit, believe you me, we will utterly destroy every strong hold of the enemy.

The one thing that renders the evil one powerless is the existence of love and it's manifestation thereof in its fullness.

I am sincerely asking all of us to endeavour to allow the overflow of God's great Love into our hearts.

I desire this greatly and I really wish you did too.

Those who are in the world are tearing up inwardly because the Church has failed to show love and genuine compassion for them.

In our subconscious, we have tagged them as lesbians, homosexuals, prostitutes, murderers, paedophiles, wayward people.

Many of us have failed to see that behind all the mess we see in front of us is a desperate soul craving and silently screaming for God's love.

Oh that our eyes may be open to see the things that need being seen.

If we want to see a true revival in our day, we must open up ourselves entirely for the overflow of God's love to take its course is our lives.

So much more I want to burst out to say.

But you know what?

The time to act is now.

Holy Spirit, please help us.

Help us live Your Love.

Help us go all out through You.

Please build in us compassion for the lost.

We are deeply sorry for those times we tagged our neighbours before we even heard them out.

Have mercy on us Lord.


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