Truth be told...entering into a beautiful relationship which leads to marriage is the dream of every single individual.
It's pretty exciting, especially on the wedding day, when you finally get the chance to explore all.....and I mean ALL of the crazy things that for the sake of obedience to God's command against fornication, you've said NO to.
Total bliss isn't it?....
Before long, the honeymoon becomes another topic to be discussed; the romantically exotic sights are mentioned, locations are considered, hotels are booked and the body is psyched up for a jolly good time!
Well......that is the plan...
This is my take on the wedding night...
The wedding night and the marriage bed is a very spiritual activity and not so physical as it is thought to be.
This is the night where the real BLOOD COVENANT that we always talk about actually takes place.
This is the night where the blood of two different people, now joined as one, actually seal the covenant (which they made to God on His altar) and are SPIRITUALLY TIED together by their SOULS.
....pretty serious don't you think?
This is why the Word of God admonishes us to see our bodies as the temple of the Almighty and not defile it in any way, nor to commit fornication or even adultery.......(this is just by the way....back to what I'm driving at).
Now, taking into account the level of seriousness attached to the joining of soul and body of a man and a woman, do you, in your honest opinion, think that this form of 'SACRIFICE' or 'RITE' should be done just anywhere?
.....not at all....
It is good to treat yourselves with the choicest and most luxurious hotels in the show your spouse that he/she deserves it....but the best place for this should be your matrimonial home and on your matrimonial bed...not your sofa, living room floor or even the pool table.
This will serve as a symbol of sanctity: it will be a constant reminder of where your oneness truly began and you will most especially keep the marriage bed from being defiled.
In any case, would you like to use a bed which has been used by many married couples, adulterers and sadly, commercial sex workers for something as important as your first night together?...
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