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When I was younger,
I saw God as a distant being somewhere who was in charge of ensuring that my family was protected at night from armed robbers.
I saw God as the one who made sure that I passed my exams.
I didn't see Him as someone whom I necessarily had to talk to......but I prayed.

Yes...I prayed about my food, I prayed that I would remember what I'd learnt before putting everything on paper for my exams and I prayed because I was told that prayer is good.

To me, I was the 'OKAY' Christian.
I went to church on Sundays and sometimes, during the weekdays.
I prayed before and after meals.
I could say my 'please' and my 'thank you'.
I mean...I was OKAY....not bad and not entirely good.

Somewhere along life's journey, my OKAY life began to turn upside down and I needed a hand Greater than mine and that of any human to help me stand erect and still.

I needed God...

The same God I had sidelined to just two tasks.....(He actually did the job I had given Him very well).

In my darkest hour, even my family couldn't suffice the gap I felt within me.
I thought my friends would be enough but their presence only showed me how humanly limited they were.

So  I truly needed a god....not just any god but God...


He made me understand that everything He could do and was entitled to do, was and would be dependent on how I saw Him and still do...

I decided to give Him a try...

FATHERHOOD: He proved to me how much of a Father He was when He provided for my every need. Believe me, He hugged me when I desperately needed the touch and approval of a Father.

MOTHERHOOD: I was shocked when I realised that this God actually exhibited the qualities of a mother! He cared so much for me. He gave me food when I was hungry. He always wanted to know what was happening in my life. The clothes and shoes he gave me were just lovely!

BROTHERHOOD: Yes! We had our unpleasant times and I would avoid Him awhile. Yet, He constantly reminded me that His blood was within me. He gave me Jesus Christ, who is actually the most self-sacrificing brother I've ever met!

BEST FRIEND&CONFIDANTE: Oh He loved the gist! We would talk and talk and talk! I told Him everything and He listened. There was never a time that He ever said that HE WAS BUSY or that I should come when He was done taking care of a crisis in Sudan. He could just multi-task and still have the time to listen to me. There was never a dull moment between us!

SAVIOUR: He showed me how precious my life meant to Him when He woke me up at 2am to turn off the gas stove when I had slept-off wiles heating water.

GUIDE: He showed me the route when I didn't know how I was going to get to my destination.

He showed me a lot of things...and proved to me that He is indeed how I see Him.

The list goes on and LOVE, my PEACE, my LIFE, my JOY, my Comforter, etc.

Eventually, I had to just stop placing tags on Him and say that HE IS MY EVERYTHING....NO LIMITS...NO RESTRICTIONS...just EVERYTHING!

My challenge to you today is this:  HOW DO YOU SEE HIM?


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