Welcome to day twelve of our forty-day retreat and reflections.
Happy birthday to my sister and coworker in the vineyard of God, Miss Berengar Irene Duku!
It is always a joy working with you.
Today I want us to reflect on the lives of the Ministers of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is an honour to be called to serve in the House of the Lord.
It is quite unfortunate that recent events around the world have raised concerns about the authenticity of the shepherds leading the sheep of today's church.
When Jesus comes in His Glory, the works of these Ministers will be tested through and through.
It will be very disheartening to know that you have laboured in the vineyard of God yet on the day of judgement, Jesus will say to you that He didn't know you.
Ministry is the call to service.
Ministry is the call to selflessness.
Ministry is the call to totally relinquishing one's personal desires and will into the Hands of a Sovereign One.
Ministry is the call to totally depending on God and doing whatever pleases Him.
Shall we pray committing every Minister of the Gospel we know and may not know into the hands of the Most High.
We are asking God to never let go of them nor take His Spirit away from them.
We pray that they will possess an excellent Spirit in the name of Jesus.
For the sake of Our Father's name, we are asking God to sustain and preserve them from any harm or scandal which may have been planned against them or which their actions may bring to them.
We are praying that the Holy Spirit will direct them to only look up to Jesus, the True and Faithful Shepherd.
We commit their families also into God's hands. We are asking the Holy Spirit to continuously groom them to become shining examples of Jesus to their families.
God bless you abundantly for interceding for our shepherds.
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