Welcome to our fifteenth day dear one.
We are reflecting on Christian Women in Ministry today.
Our nature as women gives us the ability to sense more than the average man could- some call it the sixth sense.
We, as women, have been blessed with the ability to see far and hear even the inaudible voices of those around us.
Our abilities go as far as we hearing what is hidden in the deepest parts of Our Father's heart.
There is so much our Lord Jesus Christ wants to show us if only we would avail ourselves and come nearer to Him.
If you are not yet in Ministry young lady, it is time to arise!
Today I want us to pray these prayer points in earnest.
1. We are praying for a total commitment to our partnership with the Holy Spirit.
2. We are asking the Holy Spirit to help us yield always to His prompting and to always seek to carry out His bidding.
3. As Christian Women, we are praying to God to grant us the Spirit of Wisdom to apply whatever we read in His Word to our daily lives.
4. For single Christian women, I want us to pray to God to train us into godly women of character who will serve diligently in the ministry of Family life.
5. For those already married, we are committing our spouses into the Hands of the Almighty. We are asking the Holy Spirit to build our love relationship and help us to submit to our husbands in respect.
6. Finally, we are asking Our Father to take His place in our ministries in order that our ministries will bear lasting fruits in Jesus' name.
May God bless our Intercession.
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