Have you ever felt tears well up in your chest so hard and heavy that you know you could easily burst into heaves of tears in any given moment? I had one of such moments today. The first reading at Mass today was from the Book of Jeremiah 17:5-8 and there is a portion that talks about how accursed is the man who puts his trust in man and in his own strength. It talks about the dryness such a man encounters and how this man will never see prosperity. I was convicted by this Scripture because it showed so clearly that the condition of my heart has been like one of such a man. Why am I saying so? Aside getting my second degree, I am trying to be intentional about my Spiritual growth and about music ministry in church. Basically, I am trying to be intentional about becoming. ("Becoming" is the expression I give to my quest to attain my fullest expression as His daughter). ...but that has just been the problem... "I am trying to become" Havin...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.