Desire is not enough. Desire is not enough. Desire is not enough. If there be anyone with the desire to know Who God Is and to have true intimacy with Him, that would be me. I have been this way for as long as I can remember. Why am I still in this desire stage? Because desire does not always bring results. You have got to press in. What do I mean by pressing in? It means 'show up'. I realise that unlike the woman in Songs of Solomon who went out and searched and searched until she found the one in whom her soul loved, I for one did not do that. I showed up by searching...a while...and then I went back to sleep. This makes me wonder..."Was I hungry enough for God?" I don't think so. Whoever I am today has been informed by my past and so it makes me wonder whether if there is something about my growing-up that has caused me to have a very relaxed attitude to 'pressing in'. I am thinking that there should be a c...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.