I got the chance to work for a minister I met in the course of my Songs of Solomon era. I was kept close to Daddy(God) by work. Yes, I was working for him and for Daddy but my heart and my mind weren't settled. I was there physically but spiritually absent... I was doing my job. I came across a book whiles going through my boss' books. It was titled, 'The dangers of premature exposure'. 'Could this have been what I went through?', I thought to myself. Yet... ... I was hurt. I was furious. How could he have done this to me... Anyway, I vowed never to look in the church to find love. I retreated from the CCR...although I was going to church. I was no longer passionate about the things of God. Prophecy was far far from it. I joined a group on campus... I liked the group. It pushed me towards the path of liberalism. I was influenced to be very open-minded. I realised that I was flowing with the tide . ...care free... The world tugged at me. I we...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.