Wonderful weekend to us all.
We are reflecting on babies today: babies in the womb and those newly born.
Isn't it a joy to see a little child?
We'll maybe it is because I am a woman but it is such a pleasant thing to see life exuding from that cute little being.
Personally, I am of the view that no child is born evil unless it be the will of God.
Even with that, we are assured of the goodness of our Father and hence, we cannot say that He would create an evil child and place that child in the womb of another.
Our duty as mothers is not to only see to the physical wellbeing of our babies by being religious with our antenatal and postnatal visits to the hospital.
It is not entirely about we taking our short walking exercises seriously and eating all the healthy foods.
We have a duty to also protect the spiritual wellbeing of our babies especially when they are in our wombs.
We must speak life into their lives as they grow inside of us.
We are Christian Women and we are called to be different.
Let us build up the spirituality of our babies.
We must pray for them and with them.
We are mothers and their future depends on us greatly.
As mothers with unplanned pregnancies, we must fight the spirit that compels us to abort these 'unwanted' babies.
The lives of great destinies are put on the line every time these atrocities take place.
I have a friend who decided to fight against the status quo of aborting her baby.
By God's Grace, I have been privileged to see how great the little life growing inside of her is affecting her own life and especially, her relationship with God.
Mothers provide a shield against the attacks of the evil one against their babies.
Locate a praying mother and she will tell you of the many battles she has fought on behalf of her children.
Fathers are not left out of this duty.
Fathers are the overall human protection of the family.
Fathers are called to lead both physically and spiritually.
Sometimes, it is tiring for some mothers to fight spiritually to their utmost capability.
That is where the Godly man comes in to fight and to build up the woman through support and encouragement to also take up the mantle of praying for their babies.
The walking exercises are good: as you walk, don't worry about anything or bother yourself with so many thoughts.
Make your walk a prayer one.
Devote yourself to talking to your babies whiles they are inside of you and as they come out into this world.
There is a lot more I would like to say but let's just start with this.
It's still #SHARINGLIFE.
Don't stop sharing life!
Please don't forget to share your thoughts as well.
God bless!
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