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Showing posts from June, 2022

Part 2: Do not miss your way

Hello, Sharing Life fam! I hope the week has been eventful as mine has.  Last week, I spoke about community and how we ought to keep in mind that our lives are for community. I recall my last words being:  And, a part of community is in understanding that your life isn't just for you only .  I was pondering on what this week's post would be when Holy Spirit brought to my attention an experience I had had in Kumasi when I was in KNUST.  I was on my way to campus from town and to get a bus that would take me to my hostel, I had to climb the overhead bridge to the other side to get a bus.  In normal fashion, I ran up the stairs.  When I got to about half the steps, a woman I had seen on the staircase ( obviously catching her breath ) said to me in twi ( which I will type in English ): I was waiting for you so I continue.  This got me thinking: how many people in my life are waiting for me to take a step so they do? How many people around me need my courag...

Do not miss your way Pt. 1

Oftentimes, we live our lives thinking it is just us and no one is watching... or maybe, even taking notes. We downplay our worth and importance thinking that there is nothing about us and we have nothing to offer anyone. Some years ago, Holy Spirit taught me a lesson on one of my trips with my dad, which I want to share with you today.  We were on our way to Anomabo ( in the Central region of Ghana ) and we got to this Kasoa-Buduburam stretch which, if you are familiar with that road, has cuh_razy traffic! And because we were behind time, we knew we had to use different routes to get ahead. So this is what happened:  Because we weren't familiar with these diversions, we knew the best thing to do was to tail the public buses that were plying the route. Free advice: if you don't know a route, follow a "trotro" 😄 On this particular day, I don't know why all the bus drivers were driving so fast. After a while, we lost the bus we were following and we had a private c...