Two weeks ago, I published a post titled, " Cornerstone " and in that post, I shared how Holy Spirit had thought me about what it means to put Jesus first in seeking Him. I talked about how by prioritizing time spent with Him, it meant that all the other areas/facets of my life would find their alignment from this one choice. Today, I bring you updates from this post and a few things to share. Before I get to it, let me say how grateful I am to God for the Grace to remember this truth and prioritize Him. Honestly, to God be all the Glory. Last week, I was reading the book of Daniel and in chapter 1, I saw how Daniel and his 3 friends chose to prioritize their devotion to God above what the Babylonian king wanted them to do. In the chapter, we see how ABBA made them 10x better than their contemporaries. So today, I want to share Daniel 1: 17-20 "17 As for these four youths, God gave them learning and s kill in all literat...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.