When I started Sharing Life, the mandate was simple. It was at a time when I knew that Holy Spirit was laying heavily on my heart to share with the world all that He was teaching me. It was a blog highlighting my walk with the Lord and the journey He was taking me on. Over the years, I noticed that I had been put in the "preacher" "woman of God" "evangelist" category and a few of my readership were seeing me in that light. It is not a bad thing at all but sincerely, that was not my intention. With this perception came an unconscious expectation to live up to that tag I had been labeled by. To be clear, it wasn't the reason I shared my lessons in the past but looking back, I can say that the many times I failed to write or share with the world what I was learning was because in many ways, I felt I did not measure up to these labels. So, I stopped sharing my life's experiences with the world. Listen, on so many occasions, I prized the opinions...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.