This might probably be the longest I will ever publish. Here we go... Senior High School I started my relationship with Holy Spirit in St. Louis Senior High School. At that time, my father was going through a bit of a struggle and I didn't want to be a burden to him. I had made a terrible decision to combine my chopbox with a friend's and when my provisions finished, I couldn't call home. I was sad and I remembered that daddy had told me that if I ever wanted to change and be a better human, I should start by reading the "Book of Proverbs". I came across Wisdom and I prayed for that Friendship and then someway somehow, I believed that I was never alone and that I had a Friend with me and that was when I starting fellowshiping with Holy Spirit. Prior to this, I remember when I was in class 6, I heard Someone share His heart with me. He asked me, " Why is it that when people have problems, they tell their friends about it and then their fr...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.