Hey there, God bless all those who consistently pray and commend the work of the Holy Spirit through us. Sharing life is very grateful. On Sunday, a young lady approached me in tears with a genuine concern. Her concern was the fact that she had gone forward for countless altar calls yet, she still felt that the change she sought to see was not evident. To me, that was a beautiful heart speaking... I know some of us have experienced this before. Perhaps you reading this right now are battling with a similar concern. I will tell you what I was directed to tell her. God is working inside of you. Many times, we expect to become 100% Holy when we accept Jesus Christ. It takes time. The Holy Spirit has to work from within you before He brings everything to light. The mere fact that you are concerned about this issue is a testimony to the work that He is doing inside of you. He has to cleanse your heart and your mind: these two will influence all your actions and t...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.