Hello, Reading the second chapter of Ephesians today, I have arrived at one simple truth. JESUS CHRIST IS ENOUGH. The love of God is very great yet unimaginable! God, knowing the magnitude of His plans for our lives, had to send Jesus Christ to this Earth as the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. My dear, Jesus Christ is enough. In Him, we have our inheritance. In Him, we have our Peace. In Him, our old state of sin and filth is converted to light. We learn of the profound truth that our Gift from Our Father is unconditional and a Gift of Grace. All that we have received has absolutely nothing to do with any good thing we have said or done: it is ONLY A GIFT FROM GOD . On the contrary, our Gift calls us unto good works. This tells me that my service to others is only because of the Gift of God's Love that propels me unto good works. I DO NOT DO GOOD TO DESERVE GOD'S GIFT OF GRACE, BUT GOD'S GIFT RATHER CAUSES ME TO DO GOOD WORKS. I want you to realise that...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.