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Showing posts from April, 2016


Hello, Reading the second chapter of Ephesians today, I have arrived at one simple truth. JESUS CHRIST IS ENOUGH. The love of God is very great yet unimaginable! God, knowing the magnitude of His plans for our lives, had to send Jesus Christ to this Earth as the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. My dear, Jesus Christ is enough. In Him, we have our inheritance. In Him, we have our Peace. In Him, our old state of sin and filth is converted to light. We learn of the profound truth that our Gift from Our Father is unconditional and a Gift of Grace. All that we have received has absolutely nothing to do with any good thing we have said or done: it is ONLY A GIFT FROM GOD . On the contrary, our Gift calls us unto good works. This tells me that my service to others is only because of the Gift of God's Love that propels me unto good works. I DO NOT DO GOOD TO DESERVE GOD'S GIFT OF GRACE, BUT GOD'S GIFT RATHER CAUSES ME TO DO GOOD WORKS. I want you to realise that...


I was sharing the first Chapter of Ephesians with a little girl. Unfortunately, she is unable to read so I read it out to her in English and explained to her in twi. The first Chapter talks about the gift of adoption we have received in Christ Jesus, the seal of the Holy Spirit in our lives and Paul's profound prayer that all men may attain the fullness of knowledge of Jesus Christ. After explaining to her the person of the Holy Spirit and His ability to equip us to do all things, I asked her what she would do if she had the gift of the Holy Spirit in her life. My little girl said that she would take care of the sick, be a good child at home, go to church often and also get God to provide her needs. This might seem as nothing to some of us since we focus on 'greater' things. ...this little girl chose to put others first before thinking about her own benefits. In her prayer, which according to her is her first, she asked for God to make her a better person and child. ...


My life has been something else. Through it all, God has been faithful to me. Then I understood that as the BRIDEGROOM, that is His very nature. He will never ever ever stop pursuing me until He wins my heart over. His Love for me is unchanging. If it did, then He would cease being God. He would be like man who changes every time. I, on the other hand, was scared to love. I am not talking about falling in love with a man for a lifelong relationship that leads to marriage and beyond. I am referring to my initial inability to let go of my defenses to show genuine love to others because I feared that they would throw my love back in my face. I was scared of maybe being vulnerable and pouring out the very depths of my heart out to serve them. Not because I didn't want to, but because I feared rejection. Today, I watched a Christian documentary titled FURIOUS LOVE. I realised that indeed, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God, for the pulling down...


Hello, I know it has been a while. I have missed sharing life with you. In these few days of absence, ideas for us to ponder on have not stopped flooding my mind. BEFORE YOU SAY YES... I know a lot of us have purposed in our hearts to surrender our youth and time to God's will and to allow him to mold us into who He has destined us to be. Sometimes, it gets tough. We want to wait on God's very best for us in all things and especially in the area of our heart. Nonetheless, our personal goals do not necessarily influence the pressures of this world in the least. I want to encourage you as I am being encouraged by the Holy Spirit: Would you abruptly halt the formation process Our Father is working out in your life for that one person who keeps pushing you to say a yes? Think about it. You may say no, but your actions may have already said a big YES! God is Faithful . I won't stop saying it. This decision you have made will sometimes feel like a very wrong one......