My office printer calibrates more than twice a day and it does so, s ometimes, to the displeasure of some of my colleagues at the office. I have a friend, his name is Eben, and at least once a week, he posts the word, "Calibrate" on his whatsApp status. For a while, I was curious about what he meant whenever he posted that word on his status...yet, I never asked him. Once, I look up the meaning on calibrate in the dictionary...and I found this: mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings . It was then that I understood why the printer always calibrated several times in the course of the day. In simple terms, "it was checking itself in order to function appropriately". Well, I can't say why my friend Eben uses the word oftentimes (because I still haven't asked him). For me, using this word, "Calibrate" which I also post on my status a couple of times is a reminder for me to check myself and re-align myself spirit...
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