Something strange has been happening in my life lately... First of all, I must say that it is very true that following the path of Truth is not easy: the choice to remain on the path of integrity is not entirely pleasant- but very very necessary. Today I want to share what was laid unto my heart by the Holy Spirit... After I came to believe in Jesus Christ and the Trinity, I believed that by Grace, I could freely approach the Father. ....and yes, I can. But not without Jesus. In my requests, I would usually say what I needed and then end. For example, I would say, "Father, I really need shoes." and then I would end. Truth is, I've done this quite a number of times. This night, whiles in the shower, I was asking myself why in my conversations with Daddy (God), I had to include "In the name of Jesus". I am not saying that my prayers have been without it, but in my communion with the Father, I had sometimes overlooked the essence of this inclusion in our...
SHARING LIFE seeks to give life to all, as freely as has been received from Our Lord Jesus Christ.